Aberrant Voidfin Fishing and Farming Guide

Find the best places to farm Aberrant Voidfin around Pandaria and more

Aberrant Voidfin

The Aberrant Voidfin is a rare fish that can be caught in World of Warcraft. It is found in the Maw of Souls, a dungeon located in the Broken Isles, the region of the game featured in the expansion "Legion". These fish can also be farmed around inland waters of Vale of the Eternal Blossoms.

The Aberrant Voidfin used to be considered a rare catch, and is highly sought after by players for its unique appearance and for its use in a few different recipes (see below).

The Aberrant Voidfin is also required as part of the achievement "Fishing with Gilly", which requires players to catch various rare fish in the Broken Isles.

Aberrant Voidfin Fishing Pools

Aberrant Voidfin pools are only found in the inland waters of Pandaria. The only place at region where you can these fish in Pandaria is in Vale of the Eternal Blossoms. However, you can also find Aberrant Voidfin in Uldum.

Farming Aberrant Voidfin

Unfortunately, the only region to farm Abberant Voidfish in Pandaria is in Vale of the Eternal Blossoms. If you talked to Zidormi and traveled back in time (to when the waters are dried up), you will need to speak to her again and return to the present time.

It will take some time to farm voidfins due to limited spawn points. The best place to start is start in the larger pool of water in the south located in between Setting Sun Garrison and Mistfall Village. Then travel north up the river to Whitepetal Lake. Expect to come across 3-5 pools following this path.

Aberrant Voidfin Recipes

Aberrant Voidfin is used in the following recipes.

  • Baked Voidfin
  • Ghastly Goulash
  • K'Bab

Its also worth noting that voidfins can also be turned into Aromatic Fish Oil which is used in many Zandalari Cuisine recipes from Zandalar.

Aberrant Voidfin Vendors

No vendors currently sell Aberrant Voidfin.

Aberrant Voidfin Game Item Details

Quality Common
Item Level 1
Required Level None
Item Class Cooking
Inventory Type Non-equippable
Is Stackable? Yes
Sell Price 0 gold 25 Silver 0 copper